(Beware of Spoilers)
I'll start this of with saying that I have always been a fan of Brian Michael Bendis aka the Writer of Civil War II.
His New Avengers books were the sole reason I actually got into Comics, Events like Siege, or Secret Invasion are among my favourite Comic events and I love that he has a fetish for putting characters through the wringer. So if you are reading this thinking it will be another case of someone shaking his fist and yelling "Damn you Bendis, you ruined EVAHRYTHING." you might want to stop reading right here and now.
Of course if you are someone who can handle a possibly different opinion than yours you are more than welcome to continue. Now that we've established this, lets begin.
I'll go forward assuming that you are at least vaguely aware of whats going on currently in the Marvel Universe because I wouldn't even know where to start trying to explain it all to you.
Especially since it isn't like I am reading ALL THE COMICS either.
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Yeah. That's the Stuff! |
That means it's time to celebr-...wait.
How come they were prepared in the first place?
The answer: A new Inhumans who only recently discovered his powers has the ability to see the future.
That's great! Or is it?
Two people have vastly different opinions on that matter. One is Captain Marvel who is pretty much Earths Space Cop #1. The other one is Tony Stark who seemingly has seen Minority Report.
You can see where both sides are coming from but nothing escalates just yet.
Carol uses the Vision Ulysses, aka the Inhuman I talked about before to stop crimes and catastrophes from happening uuuntil one of this Missions goes wrong and War Machine gets offed by Thanos in a ridiculous awesome looking panel.
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I mean look at it. LOOK. AT. IT. |
Tony goes on to abduct the Inhuman to scan his brain. Of course he gets captured but while that happens Ulysses sees another Vision and everyone else sees it too this time. The Hulk snaps and kills everyone. Yikes.
Now things are about to get interesting. Or are they?
This looks bad. How to you react to that? Not like Carol did, that's for sure. |
So this is the most controversial thing that happens in this event.
The killer obviously is Hawkeye but Hawkeye usually doesn't kill. It's really out of character for him.
And it's uncertain if Banner would have even been able to turn into the Hulk as he was supposedly cured. But during Uncanny Avengers his resurrected corpse is able to Hulk up.
Barton says his eyes turned green but no one else saw that.
Banner did indeed give him a special arrow to kill him if necessary but was it necessary?
This questions aren't really answered in the event nor are they answered in the Comics at this point in time in general.
This is where the plot of CW II falls kind of apart and instead getting finally straight to the fighting we get a trial, insecure Heroes and a funeral.
At this point during the first Civil War SHIELD had already tried to shoot Captain America and Tony Stark & Co had already build a prison for Super Villains in the negative Zone and they were throwing in fellow Heroes who didn't happen to agree with them. And then there was the violent Thor clone...
What I am saiyng is that the first Civil War was really stupid.
Sure it changed the Marvel Landscape which gave birth to some truelly great stories but the War itself was just plain dumb and full of out of character behavior.
Civil War II on the other Hand is ... lacking. It's better written as a whole and it's nice to see the Characters trying to figure out solutions by doing some talking but both sides are to stubborn and they end up fighting anyway for a bit. Then they stop again. Inbetween both main characters act stupid in many ways (Carol holds a woman captive even though she seems to be innocent just because she believes in the Visions, Tony abducted Ulysses and initates the first Superhero skirmish) Then we get an all out fight between Carol and Tony over the fate of Miles Morales who is shown in a Vision to kill Steve Rogers.
Speeeeeaking of.
What makes reading Civil War II quite a bit better is the fact that Steve Rogers aka Captain America aka the bestest and nicestest goodestest Guy imaginable (well okay he's much more complicated than that but you get the idea) acts like he always does BUT it is all an act.
Right now and due a storyline I won't get into now Caps past has been altered making him an Agent of Hydra and he manipulates EVERYTHING.
I'd suggest everyone who is interested in reading Civil War II to read his current book parallel to it.
It enhances many scenes to know that he is constantly planning the downfall of everyone around him including the main actors of the event because he is the one person everyone trusts.
But back to Civil War itself. The Comic ends with Ulysses leaving earth, becoming something more than (In)human as a cosmic beings as his powers grow and grow.
Hm... I was so sure he would end up being or becoming a Villain in the End but I guess that is Rogers part. Before that we see him traveling to Old Man Logans World and Time which is actually pretty damn nice.
It's only with the last issues that it becomes clear that this event is more of a catalyst for future storylines and we actually do get a few hints whats to come in the next few years which is also nice.
But it doesn't help the event itself that it doesn't have an actual ending.
Sure many things changed but they wouldn't have needed a Civil War to go there.
The Comic shouldn't have even been named Civil War in the first place as it's nothing like the first one and it's isn't really a war either.
Avengers vs X-Men. That was a war. That was high stakes, epic battles and a lot of participants.
It was also pretty great at that.
Civil War II was more of a disagreement with casualties.
Conclusion: Calling Civil War II the worst event ever is hyperbole bullshit at it's finest. It's not even the worst Marvel event of 2016 because that would be Death of X which had about as much quality as Ultimatum just with a much lower body count.
It is however Bendis weakest event so far by a landslide and I now know how Scarlet Witch Fans must have felt during Disassembled or Cyclops Fans during AvX because the poop-guy of this event was my favourit Guy: Clint Barton.
Still I always told people to stop whining so much so I won't do it now either. Besides I'd rather read 300+ Issues of Hawkeye going all Punisher on the Marvel Universe written by Bendis than seeing him in the hands of Lemire again.
Matt over and out.
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